Morgan Reed Solicitors


Sale details

Property Postcode:

Price of property you are selling:


Freehold or Leasehold Property?

Is there an existing mortgage on the property?

Is the property owned via the Shared Ownership Scheme?

Number of sellers :

Purchase Details

Property Postcode:

Price of property you are buying:


Freehold or Leasehold Property?

Is the property a newbuild?

Are you purchasing using the Shared Ownership scheme?

Are you obtaining a mortgage?

Buy to Let Property?

Is this going to be an additional property / second home?

Number of buyers :

Are you being gifted any of your deposit?

Are you using any Help to Buy ISAs for your purchase?

Using government Right to Buy Scheme?

Using Help to Buy equity loan?

When are you looking to instruct?

Special Instructions :

Your Details

*First Name:


*Email Address:

*Best Contact Number:

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